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Holistic Pelvic Care™
Online or In-person Sessions

This healing modality is a combination of gentle, internal bodywork techniques, inter-vaginal assessments, simple breath work, and inter-vaginal massage to release the fascial connective tissue and muscles of the pelvis, whilst unravelling energetic patterns, stress or traumas held within the pelvic bowl. It restores balance in the pelvic area of the female body and people with a vulvas physically and energetically aligning the pelvis and supporting the pelvic floor. It is a technique developed by Tami Kent, PT.

This process is for all stages of a woman’s life enhancing the flow of pelvic organ energy and restoring your pelvic bowl as the creative centre of your female body. It can also support working with core balance and pelvic energy flow. It can assist you in times of transition including menopause, deepening your relationship with your inner feminine, and enhancing your overall creative vitality. This process is very supportive of sexual abuse, and healing after miscarriage and birth trauma.

Who Would Benefit?

Holistic Pelvic Care would benefit you if you are seeking a deeper connection to your core vitality. By accessing your body's wisdom, you become free to explore your creative essence creating a greater brain connection to your pelvis and reproductive organs. Enhancing your sensual and sexual confidence. 


Physically, this type of session may address muscular imbalances, tension, trigger points, fascial restrictions, holding patterns and scar tissue.

Energetically, HPC may also assist the energetic patterns blocked in the reproductive organs and pelvic bowl. It's not unusual to hold unprocessed emotions, shame or outdated memories in the pelvic bowl and its fascial structure. To access vibrant life force energy it's imperative to release tension, and old energetic patterns so reprogramming in the pelvic bowl can support a new sense of aliveness.    


This can assist women in times of transition including menopause, deepening their relationship with their inner power, and enhancing their overall creative vitality. This process is very supportive of past experiences of sexual abuse, and healing after miscarriage and birth trauma.

Symptoms of physical or energetic imbalances that block or limit a woman’s pelvic energy may include:

  • Painful periods

  • Menopause

  • Fertility issues

  • Fibroids

  • Recovery from miscarriage

  • Endometriosis

  • PCOS

  • Painful intercourse

  • Incontinence

  • Trauma/sexual abuse

  • feelings of disconnect from self and core essence.

  • Pelvic muscle weakness 

  • Pelvic pain

  • Vaginismus

  • Gentle nourishment to the womb space to reduce frustration and grief during infertility

  • Preparing for conception

  • Birth trauma

  • Grief around pregnancy loss or termination

  • Enhances creativity

  • Caesarean recovery

Or you simply want to connect more deeply with your pelvis. However, you need not have physical symptoms to benefit from a Holistic Pelvic Care™ session.

What Can I Expect During a Session? During the initial session, a detailed health history is taken, and basic pelvic anatomy is introduced. The hands-on portion will take place on a massage table with guided imagery, visualisations, and detailed pelvic work to assess and lightly treat any physical and energetic blockages, or imbalances in the pelvic bowl space. We will then discuss self-care and answer any questions. The pelvic massage is gentle and respectful, following the lead of the woman and her body. It should never hurt and the response of a woman’s body guides the depth and direction of the hands-on work. Though HPC is gentle, the effects are profound and women often notice a change with even one session, although at least three sessions are recommended to restore basic pelvic balance. length of treatment will depend on the severity and duration of symptoms.

What Can I Expect After a Session? Many women feel a renewed sense of connection and awareness in their pelvis they feel calmer and grounded. Energy and blood flow are increased to the pelvic bowl and many report a decrease in overall symptoms and a strengthening of pelvic floor muscle engagement. Most do a series of three HPC sessions to gain more benefits. The techniques of HPC are extremely gentle, yet the effects are profound.

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